Ross Dhu Equestrian Ltd testimonials
To Morag, Mark and Fiona, Thank you for coming to Ailsa's for the Level 1 course. I realy enjoyed it and hope to work up through the other levels too. A special thank you to Morag too for your support last Thursday. You knew exactly what to say and do and made a difficult day a little easier. Hope to see you all again soon.
Thank you so much for putting up with me all week and for letting me stay in your beautiful home. I felt so welcomed at Ross Dhu, your staff are so friendly and patient (especially with silly unexperienced people like me!) You have given me so much knowledge that, without this course I would have never have been able to carry on into my prosperous veterinary career. The week was very interesting for me, I really enjoyed the psychological impacts section in particular - something I will be looking further into and something more importantly that will stope me getting my ass kicked by a couple of nervous/aggressive horses! So my health thanks you! As you will have seen, my horse handling needed work and you gave me a chance to develop this! You've also given me a unique insight which, many prospective vets will miss into the client side of the affair and non-medical problems like saddles and bad training!
Thank you for all your help with Blue. He has had an amazing start and look forward to everything we will learn working with you in the future!
Thank you so much for taking such an interest in showing us around the farm. We had a fabuoous time. Odhran spoke abou tit for days afterwards and took great pride in eating the egg that he had taken from the house. It was absolutely heart-warming to see him have such a wonderful time and interact so well with the animals. Although if Sky ever goes missing you'll know where she is!!!
Thank you so much for an amazing week. Enjoyed myself very much. Must say I will be glad of a lie in!!! Loved learning new things as well as refreshing my mind. Looking forward to Level 2 and being back at Ross Dhu!
Thank you very much for a wonderful course, this has been the boost I needed to believe in myself again and I had a great time. Your place is fantastic and you made every lecture a pleasure, which I've never been able to say before. I've been reminded of lots and learned lots so once again thank you so, so much. Thanks also to your staff who've made taking exams if not quite a pleasure, not so far off. I have looked forward every day to waking up and getting back to Ross Dhu, to work!!! Crazy!